New Adventures of Yore

I recently discovered thousands of beads and beading accessories during my household move. About 7 years ago I had an Etsy store, sold my handmade jewelry at salons, and a few craft fairs.

But, alas: RA “took this away” from me about 5 years ago. My hands simply became too weak, and I was so ill I had no creative juice to speak of.

For 3 years I have done OT strengthening and stretching daily.
Multiple times a day actually.
(Along with other sweeping lifestyle changes to support RA…)
And it has finally paid off!

I launched a new Etsy store just before Small Biz Saturday 2016!

I cannot describe the Joy I feel by regaining this small piece of me.

If you get a chance, please, check out my Joyous creations at RAPOV on Etsy.




RAPOV on Etsy