Dear Grocery Store, Sincerely Mom’s RA

I spend a lot of time at grocery stores. My husband works for one and we love lunch dates which usually end with a perusal of the aisles in a game of What’s For Supper. I also love cooking with fresh food so I go often – daily, when RA is at bay.

In all this time spent cruising aisles and sales and all those grocery getting’ gimmicks, I’ve decided that there are some things my local grocers need to know about RA, my RA specifically – but maybe someone else can relate. I’m learning with this disease that it is very relatable. I’m sure someone else out there has been in the grocery store having a rough day and just cuuuuuursing the grocery gods for locating that item in that spot.

Dear Grocery Store,

1.) I would appreciate it if cart corrals were accessible from both ends. I’m hauling a toddler, my eco-friendly reusable bags, holding a six year old’s hand, and hefting a purse – at least – as I limp along… Just let me at the damn cart.

2.) I’m so sorry for the days I leave the cart next to my handicap parking spot. Nobody likes that guy; Nobody wants to be that guy. Somedays, I’m that guy. (Sorry!)

3.) Why are your apples (etc.) piled so high? Have you taken a ride around your store from a motorized cart POV? It’ll change your perspective. Literally. Try it from the hot wheels POV.

4.) Dear Bagger, Lifting things from the bottom of the cart is no fun. That’s why I didn’t put anything down there. Lifting, squatting, grabbing = legs, back, and hands screaming with pain — if my body will allow me to do it at all.

5.) Dear Bagger (again), When I ask you to pack the bags evenly and lightly there is probably a reason (other than being outright difficult) that I made that request. My hands hurt. They just do: non-stop. So carrying those heavy bags is somedays unbearable. So save the eye rolls, and please, just please, don’t shove everything into two bags when I handed you four. (I promise you I hate this disease more than you do.)

6.) Handi-cap accessible Deli counter. I’m telling you. WIN! (oh – and make sure those hot wheels can access it.) It’s embarrassing enough to ride that cart without having to try to stand up from it multiple times, too. Chances are if I’m in that cart, standing up to grab the bag of lunch meat and sliced cheese from you OVER your Deli counter is not an option.

7.) Thank you so much for having drive up grocery loading. PS- Can you send someone home with me to unload them, too?


Mom’s RA

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